On the hard days of life, God reminds me I have more in me than I think. There have been so many times when I thought I could not make it one more day.

You know those days. You are tired and worn out. You’re weary in body, mind, and spirit. You feel undone and unable. Then something kicks in and helps you, and you find yourself in tomorrow. You did make it. You can keep going. You have more in you than you thought.

That more is God. That more is his grace.

The Bible tells us God will sustain us: You can lie down and sleep at night and wake again because the Lord sustains you. God is faithful. He promises to not allow you to be tempted and tried beyond your ability and strength and power to endure. He will help you to be strong and powerful, to bear up patiently. God tells each of us: You have more in you than you realize. You are made to win, not to be defeated. You are made to receive my promise.

All of us go through hardships in this life. Yours may be particularly hard. Whatever you are dealing with, you’ve got to know that nothing is too difficult for God. You may be tired and weary, but God will bring you through this. He promises: What you are going through is temporary and subject to change. But one thing will never change and that is my Word, my promises, which are eternal. I often turn to Psalm 23 for comfort, because in that simple shepherd’s song is a great promise: Though we walk through valleys—dark, low places—the truth is that God will get us through. He doesn’t want us to stop in the valley and build a hotel. He wants us to keep following him so he, as the great shepherd, can get us to mountaintops. He will direct our steps and get us to a place of hope again—and will make the hope real.

Excerpt from You Are Made For More!