When our twins were 3 years old, Kevin and I had a busy schedule—not only with the girls and our newborn son—but also with ministry and work. This is not long after my Daddy passed away and my brother Joel became the pastor of Lakewood Church. I was speaking often in the Wednesday night services, but I was grateful to work out of our home.

One night I felt overwhelmed with guilt because I didn’t feel like I was spending my usual time with the girls. That night as I put them to bed, we talked and laughed and prayed like always. Lastly I said, Girls, I am so sorry I have been extra busy lately. I promise that I am going to slow down and we will have more time together. Without hesitation Catherine sat up in bed and said, Mommy, God wants you to know that He is proud of you because you help His people. She laid back down as I was still processing what just happened. I gave the girls extra hugs that night with tears in my eyes.

I had no doubt that Catherine’s words were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I felt such a sense of relief and knowing that I doing exactly what God called me to do. That night I let go of the guilt—and when it tries to come back on me, I let go of it again and again because guilt can creep in at any minute and make you feel like a failure, that you’re not good enough, or that you never do enough.

 What I learned that day was that no matter how I feel, God is proud of me. He is not focusing on what you can’t do or your weakness. He is focusing on what you are doing. He is proud of you as His child. He sees your heart, your progress and your weakness, and He loves you just like you are! That’s freeing!

Instead of focusing on your weakness and failures, I encourage you to focus on your Heavenly Father because He is the One who promises to sustain you and give you the grace you need. When you are weak, He is strong in you. Don’t ever forget that God is proud of you and that He is rejoicing over you today!

 For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness.?With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17