I wanted to share a page from my journal with you all. I hope you enjoy it and that it encourages you! Love, Lisa

In my time with the Lord:

Listen. Learn. Expect.

Listen for my still small voice. Learn to shut out the voices of the world. Learn to trust Me with your worries and cares. 

Listen to the trees and the birds. Be still and listen to My beautiful world and creation. Enjoy today. Breathe in My presence and the beauty around you. 

Look around as you go about your day. Don’t be preoccupied with your problems and phones and what others may be doing. Keep your mind fixed on Me and you will walk in My perfect peace. 

Breathe out the anxiety and worry and breathe in My grace and strength. Don’t try to escape your problems – give them to Me. Breathe deeply. Inhale deeply and expect Me to do what you cannot do, to handle what you cannot. To give strength when strength is needed. To give mercy and help when needed.

Expect victory in Me. Expect calm in the midst of the storm. Circumstances and your environment do not need to change for you to enjoy your day and My peace and a calm attitude and spirit. My peace passes ALL understanding. It passes your mind, thoughts, and anxious feelings.